2024-01-27 archive

I watched this movie about Helene and Carlos living in a dungeon. Helene was trying to make some guy suck her titty. Although the plot was 100% driven by the total stupidity of the characters, it was good enough to keep my attention the whole time, which is pretty good. A decent amount of the imagery reminded me of another horror movie, Malignant. When I was getting the image above, I saw that it was by the maker of The Ring, and I think the imagery with the dirty long hair was in The Ring too.

This "Jo. G" ID is suggesting that trying to get caffeinated for my study sessions is guaranteed to be a fruitless endeavor. I'm not sure I agree, but it seems like many of my attempts at caffeination are subverted, such as today when they poisoned my directly through the RAPE HATCH without putting it my food or drink at all, but rather they were forcefully medicating me as a direct act of violence.

Safety inspection reveals 'many' loose bolts on Alaska Airlines 737 Max 9s after door plug flew off mid-flight

>On Monday, the FAA announced that it had found door plug issues with other Boeing models beyond the 737 Max planes

"Rambling, Shambling Disaster Waiting To Happen" - Boeing, Not Spirit, Mis-Installed Door Plug That Blew Out; Insider Whistleblower Says

A Boeing passenger jet's nose wheel fell off just before takeoff

>Another Boeing plane, a 747 cargo jet, was seen spewing flames into the sky over Miami last week

Helene's fake lawyer has been sending me emails suggesting she's going to cut off the money I've been getting. I think that's probably going to happen as an extension of her joy at poisoning me with stupefying poisons when I got up early this morning to work on my paper.

The children in the Walmart weren't making horrible noises when I was buying some cereal for dinner. However, the man in front of me threw come small circular plastic black shit at my feet as I was leaving, this other new piece of shit that was waiting for me in front of the 7-11 this morning was also waiting next to my car when I came out of the Walmart, and one of the RAPE DICK construction workers from the hotel breakfast area was waiting for me in front of the hotel when I got back. The RAPE DICK seemed to have markedly dropped off for a little while before I left, but it went back to normal when I left the Walmart and hasn't stopped since, which indicates I probably got raped in the Walmart or near it, and this current bout of sexual torture is one of their sexual torture devices that was implanted during the rape.

They started with the LRAD immediately at the gym today when I deviated from my normal rep scheme on my shoulder warm-up. Shit Cunt's LRAD burst of grunting was unmistakeable. Some ethnic midget immediately started filming me as I continued my shoulder warm-up and he kept buzzing around me for the rest of the time I was in the gym. I guess most people would call him a white, but he was very ethnic looking. Other than that, it was pretty calm until my second set on the bench. As I was about to start, someone behind me yelled out EIGHT! which was the amount of reps I was about to do, and counting my reps out loud, or announcing them, is the most stereotypical thing gymstalkers do. After that, some other ethnic looking midget, what many would probably call a gook but who I will just lump in with the other one as an ethnic-looking midget, got behind me where I was doing rows, and he stuck his tongue out at me. When I was doing legs, I noticed that someone had made the letter R in the blackboard bold font on my pants with a white string (pic), and then Shit Cunt came on the LRAD immediately to grunt ARRR! on the LRAD. Overall, it was pretty clam in there today compared to Sunday. Someone was probably fucking with the string on the waist of my shorts or sweatpants, but it was not so obvious that I'd say for sure that it happened. In the parking lot as I was leaving the gym, I felt a sudden pain on the front of my right shin, and the RAPE DICK started at that time and has not stopped since, indicating that I probably got another new RAPE DICK in the gym or in the parking lot as I was leaving. After that, I went to the 7-11 for milk and water, and they had some new manager in a Shit Cunt disguise one-eyeing me from the back office while I was in line, and his disguise had a third instance of the matching mole under the eye that I referred to on Sunday.

After about five months of not having any problems at the laundromat here, they finally started poisoning my laundry today. The women that usual work there were gone, and there was some other hideously ugly woman workign there wearing a Shit Eye cartoon shirt. The toothless homeless that was waiting for me next to the energy drinks at the 7-11 last night was waiting for me at the laundromat too, and they put the same color panties beneath my washer as they hid behind my couch when I switched rooms on Sunday. This same toothless homeless intercepted me while I was out walking several times previously, and he was always wearing a Michael Meyers shirt that matched the Michael Meyers backpack he was keen to have me see this evening. After I finished the washer and dryer cycles for the first time, I noticed that the clothes stunk horribly when I was folding them. That was unsurprising since some stalker had parked his car to make me see his flashing emergency lights through the thin strip between my computer and the side of the windshield while I was waiting in my car, and the ZAPPERS and WRIGGLERS started at that time, as did the FUHHH on the LRAD. I washed my clothes again, and then I noticed that my hands stunk again after handling my wet laundry, so I took them out of the dryer and washed them again. When I was loading them into the dryer, a latex glove and tube of lip balm "miraculously" appeared in the dryer next to my clothes, so I switched to another dryer. Some other jewish-looking red shirt stalker came in to start filming and one-eyeing me while I was wait for the clothes to dry and while I was folding them. The stink of old pussy hit me a few times while I was folding the clothes, but I do not think the clothes smell bad after the third washer/dryer cycle. I used the laundry cart to bump into the toothless homeless and the one-eye stalker, and the stalker in the hall outside my hotel room just yelled VIOLENT! while I was making this post. Also, I bought a second bottle of water in the lobby when I got back from the laundry, and just like the first one I drank this afternoon, my mouth is filled with the taste of medicine now and I almost certainly got poisoned again after getting stink poisoned at the laundromat at least once too.

When I was changing rooms, some little old lady interceptor intercepted me at the elevator with a mean, gruesome biker skeleton on her shirt saying, "There's room for one more," meaning that they will install the full RAPE HATCH in this room again pretty soon, almost certainly, if it's not already here. They definitely have the RAPE HATCH, this was confirmed with the miraculous appearance of several hairs while I going to the bathroom after I secured the door to the hall. It may be in the bathroom, however, and I have not yet confirmed that they have one in the main part of the room. Overall, this room is pretty fucked up. The art is missing on the wall, just like the last room where I asked them to take away the picture with the centipede in it. Both night stands are missing the drawers, and the bottom dresser drawer is screwed shut. They had put some woman's black stretchy pants and weird colored panties behind the couch where the weird color exactly matches how one pair of my red underwear turned out after someone bleached them in "Russia," and the pairing with the black pants seemed like a double-double since all my clothes are black except for my underwear. While I was moving my stuff, before the hairs started appearing, someone placed a Coco Puff at my door which almost certainly references the "two C" pattern favored by the hair rapist when he places pairs of hairs, probably referring to the name Carlos Cavalcanti, who is probably the bff of my other rapist Helene, and whose bff status is currently fictionalized as the DA in Atlanta fucking the outside lawyer she hired for working on the Trump case.

I started going to the gym again today. They started heckling me immediately when I went in, and when the rubber I wanted wasn't on the rack, Shit Cunt made his surprised grunt noise on the LRAD. When I began working out, they spliced in someone yelling JONATHAN! on the song playing on the radio, and it had absolutely no context in which to be hidden or seem in the least little bit like it was part of the song. The woman who was giving me a hand job in the dream theater last month approached me, and then some other old lady heckled me about hand jobs when she walked past. Some black on the tread mill was making air punches at me around then too. When I went to the press station, some jew with a shaved head walked behind me and did something weird to make me notice him in the reflection. Then the Lucas-stalker who was wearing a different disguise at the adjacent squat station started announcing my form and weights in his heckling while cocking his left eyebrow at me every time he his his right eye behind something. He said it was "fine" because he was just doing it "a little bit," which wasn't true at all since what he was doing was as hecklish as heckling gets: announcing my activities in real time as I was doing them. I moved to the bench, and he followed me over there slap his pocket indicating that he thought he had successfully harvested the loosh, or that whoever was driving him via the implant in his asshole thought that (which is a condition that I express as such interchangeably.) At the bench station, some other stalker approached me that had the same fake mole under his right eye as the Lucas-stalker. I moved to the pull down station where the RD started, and it hasn't stopped since indicating that I got a new RD in the gym today, as is the case pretty much every time I go to the gym. As soon as it started, the two bitches dressed deceptively like Muslims that are always heckling me started explaining why they liked "that one" and it was "just so like..." as if they were wanting me to fill in their madlib with my opinion on the RAPE DICK. They were also one-eying me, and they broke into an ass-shaking shuck and jive when I glanced in their direction. The man at the cable station next to me was also extremely intent on expressing his bliss while they were heckling me. While they were heckling me, the hand job woman approached me from behind with another accomplice. When I noticed them, the accomplice announced that I was "not straight."

I'm moving to a room on the second floor of the hotel today, so maybe the hair rape will cease altogether or maybe decrease for a little while.

Pretty recently (within the last week or so) I started looking at the clock next to my bed rather than the clock on my computer when I wake up at night. Now someone ripped the snooze button off the clock and pretty much cracked the whole thing in half. Making this post caused the RAPE DICK to immediately activate after it not being activated very much during the last six hours that I've been working on my paper.

I watched the new episode of True Detective. After the ethnic lesbian girl boss cop physically manhandled a white man twice her size, casually, they had the other girl boss figure out how to turn off the TV after the white male cops with her were too stupid to do it. Then the lesbian girl boss told the other girl boss that her spirit animal eats white ladies, and the other ethnic woman called the white girl boss' son, a white man, a "white boy" while remarking that she was somehow retarded for dating a white. Then we find out that the white girl boss who figured out the TV has an ethnic adopted daughter that's also a lesbian, and that the lesbian girl boss has a sister that's also a lesbian. The white girl boss' ex-husband is a loser who has a mail order bride, and the white man the lesbian girl boss fucks is an autistic man child. Overall, the delivery man looking for a signature at the beginning was obviously Evil Dad, and his casual cool-guy shout of YO! was making a Joe reference, as was, I assume, the prominent cleft nose feature on both of the main girl bosses. So, I think that's probably why they wrote 762-er on the wall next to a cat's asshole, which is an appropriate catholic reference today since a lot of classical heresy in the catholic church had to do with licking cat's assholes, even though that's probably not the reference in the show. They did have some 3301 and 311 numbers on the wall right after 762-er, but I think it being next to the cat's asshole was the main thing about that.

This image, a picture of my friend whose injured hands I can easily recognize after watching him use them to demonstrate jiu jitsu technique every day, is the etymological root of the word "catholic," meaning cat-holic, because they cannot fucking stop doing this perverted shit. The Israelites stopped calling themselves Israelites to disassociate themselves from Satan, whose other names include Israel, Jacob, and Peter, and then they started calling themselves Jews for a while to associate themselves with me: JW. Because they are so rebellious and prone to evil, however, when it was time to follow Christ and change the name to "Christian," meaning 762-ian, they went back to Satan, a/k/a Peter the Denier, and started calling themselves cat-holics. Since God confounded the languages of the Earth in Genesis 11, the Satanists were probably not aware of the self-mockery and self-villainizing associated with their naming convention, but now that they are aware of it, they just say it's not true, which is what the jews always do, even when they call themselves cat-holics instead of jews. Cat-holics are jews, make no mistake.

Terrifying Footage Shows Boeing 747 Engine Fire Over Miami

In typical HAIR RAPIST fashion, I actually got a pair of identical new blisters after mentioning that my feet are still fucked up from the previous rounds of blister attacks. Here is the one on the other foot.

Get-a-job posters BTFO.

This most recent mole implant on my nose is the biggest one yet.

Nose mole 1

Nose mole 2

Nose mole 3

Nose mole 4

Nose mole 5

Nose mole 6

Nose mole 7

Nose mole 8

Nose mole 9

Nose mole 10

Nose mole 11

I mentioned on the internet a day or two ago that the bottom of feet are still pretty badly fucked up from the blister attacks that have been happening non-stop since I found a blood blister on my heel last year. After my comment, another new blister immediately appeared on the bottom of my foot. Making this post made the RAPE DICK get much worse immediately.

The RAPE DICK suddenly became much worse a few moments ago as the toilet started making clogged gurgling sounds. I posted about it on my RAPE LOG immediately when I noticed it, and when I checked to view that the post had uploaded correctly (as I sometimes do), I saw that there was a timestamped post from a few moments earlier indicating that the RAPE DICK had already started. However, I do not think I made that post. I may have since I do it mindlessly, but I think whoever just gave me a new RAPE DICK pre-posted about it by attacking my website with his own fraud post. I am **very** sure that my first post about the sudden onset RAPE DICK this afternoon was the one timestamped 16:27, and there appears one stamped 16:26 because someone was using my computer while they were burglarizing my room and attacking me with aggravated sexual battery in advance of the sexual torture which is now ongoing.

After I used arrows to indicate the severity of the height of the new mole implant on my nose about an hour ago, now they have amputated the shape of an arrow into my nose. There was on obvious stalker license plate "Windsor" after I left McDonald's too, which I suppose reflects the activities of Helene's family.

New arrow-shaped amputation 1

New arrow-shaped amputation 2

New arrow-shaped amputation 3

New arrow-shaped amputation 4

UPDATE: The necrotic foot stalker was waiting for me in the lobby when I left too, and that's probably not unrelated.

After I recently pointed out that they had implanted this other vertical white line in the middle of the bridge of my nose (not highlighted here) to make a contrast with the giant pit excavation on one side of my nose's bridge, now they have totally disfigured my nostril with a gigantic elevated mole implant directly above the major amputated pit there. It's obvious that they're continuing their rhinoplasty to give me Shit Cunt's rat nose: obviously. This is the biggest mole implant on my nose so far, by a long shot. The RAPE DICK suddenly revved up to highs on the day when I started making this post.

New nostril mutilation A

New nostril mutilation B

New nostril mutilation 1

New nostril mutilation 2

New nostril mutilation 3

New nostril mutilation 4

New nostril mutilation 5

New nostril mutilation 6

New nostril mutilation 7

New nostril mutilation 8

New nostril mutilation 9

New nostril mutilation 10

New nostril mutilation 11

New nostril mutilation gif

Someone stuck an insect in the sprinkler head above the camera at the end of the hall, and "a small child" in the adjacent room started cackling immediately when I started filming it.

I got banned as soon as I got these numbers. I think it means I made money on my FNAC position, which was my allegation that the necrotic foot stalker (portrayed as a squirrel in this thread) called me the N word in the stairwell.

I've been suspecting that are increasingly many fraud IDs lately. Now after I got four /biz/ IDs in a row saying

>Joe G is a me-o!

>GQ rape you!

>Fuck you!

>Mock fuck!

I got a fifth one on /pol/ saying, "Oh yeah! Rape you silly." I wonder if this changed after the new year, or if this is how I got the idea that something would improve in the new year when what actually happened is that everything suddenly got much worse. I'm a drug-induced stupor almost all of the time now (since I starred working on a new paper), and I've been limping around about half time for the past month due to multiply repeated injuries inflicted on my feet and legs with the RAPE RAY incapacitating me.

You can see in early December where my prediction for stocks to catch down to NatGas resulted in a predictably immediate upside NatGas explosion. Now it's down ~17% in a day, and it's going to end up lower than where it started, with more big down days. On my call for stocks to catch down to energy, however, I see that they restarted QE again already, and now the news is saying there's more QE coming, so that could easily confound my prediction for downside in stocks when the only thing that matters for stock price is Fed BS.

GOP Rep Blasts Speaker Johnson's Staff for Giving Him 'Terrible Counsel'

>Congress has already passed two CRs for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. Johnson promised after the second that House Republicans wouldn't pass another short-term CR, but he has now agreed to a third to avoid a partial government shutdown.

>The House postponed votes planned for Tuesday evening to later in the week "due to inclement weather conditions,

US Congress Unveils Temporary Spending Bill to Avert Shutdown

>it violates the speaker's pledge in November to refuse to support any more temporary funding.

>"This is what surrender looks like," the House Freedom Caucus said

While it is annoying that these retards spam my questions, it really pisses me off that these are the retards that the even bigger know-nothings go to when they're asking if I'm the biggest retard of them all. After all of this, and 100 assertions that you don't need the metric to define the open sets in the topology, no one provided a counterexample. In the usual basis for the usual topology on R, the open sets are open intervals, which are 1D open discs, which are defined with a metric. In the usual basis for the usual topology on R^n, the open sets are n-balls, also defined with a metric. There's no way around it, unless I am mistaken. No one provided a counterexample, so I'm probably not. If there was already a metric on the set when we defined the topology, then the operation (q-p) that was too hard for JG's midget intellect was already defined a long time before I used the derivative with respect to lambda. (Too hard for him even when I was hand-holding him into attacking the derivative with respect to gamma rather than the one with respect to lambda!) All of these people are totally fucking retarded, and at least some of them probably have PhDs and/or professorships in the field or a related one.

So, even when I did not insist that the absence of words to the contrary means that the topology is the usual one (which it is!), in which case the matter is totally unambiguous and I am correct without a doubt, no one was able to give an example in an unusual topology either. I think there's no example in any topology because I am completely correct about this in general.

That anal rape earlier might have been the ANAL NODULE removal rape service. They left at least the CATHOLIC RAPE NODULE on the last knuckle of my left ring finger, however.

Tangent vectors as equivalence classes of curves I made this question about some stuff I'm working on. Someone immediately showed up asking fake questions, and the ID in my interrogative said it was the pea-brain "37," who I think is Helene's friend Joseph George Tooker trying to mimic the way my initials JWT add up to 53 as the 10th, 23rd, and 20th Latin letters. I got his comments removed from my post because they were stupid, and then I went into the chat to continue to talking to someone else who may or may not have actually been trying to be helpful. The trolling continued in the chat, and I guess JG had heard me mention that the way I was taking derivatives was a little weird since I was using abstract manifold objects rather than elements of the reals and their tuples. However, my point must have gone totally over his head, because he challenged be on "d gamma d lambda" which is just the ordinary derivative. Even when I corrected him and explained that the potentially troublesome derivative was "dx d gamma" he insisted on demonstrating his in expertise. He jumped into the same "such and such isn't defined" spiel that he was using to shit on my fractional distance research, but I was able to immediately answer his demand for a definition of "d gamma d lambda." The answer was an expression involving the difference of two points divided by a number, and he thought he was pointing out a gap when he said that the difference of points wasn't defined. He was wrong, and the difference of points must have been defined in the topology of the manifold to begin with because every smooth manifold is a metric space. At that point, and although the topic of the thread was smooth manifolds, I wrote, "Every topological manifold is a matric space," when I meant, "every smooth manifold." That was unfortunate, but I think given the whole context being smooth manifolds, it was clear that I had made a simple error or typo. The accomplice of JG, whose "Xander" screen name seems to refer to the Xavier: Mental Midget cartoon (stunningly appropriately), and everyone started telling me I was wrong, but none of them could provide an example of a topology for a smooth manifold that didn't imply metric space structure. I think "the usual topology" doesn't need to be specified and is implied in the absence of other words, and that topology definitely grants metric space structure, but I simply asked them to provide any example of a topology (for a smooth manifold) that didn't imply the underlying set was equipped as a matric space. None of them could provide the example (because no such example exists), and they kept trying to change the subject with increasing irrelevant side topics while avoiding my request to provide a topology for smooth manifold that doesn't require metric space structure a priori. At one point, "Xander" referred to the unit circle as way to avoid a metric when the word "unit" literally means "unit distance as determined with the metric function." Eventually, "Xander" deleted the last few comments where I pointed out that no one was providing the counterexample, and then he banned me saying I was insulting everyone in the chat. Right after that, a giant new ANAL RAPE TRAUMA appeared in my asshole, and either it has been throbbing with pain non-stop since then or they implanted a RAPE DICK in my asshole to accentuate the fact that JG didn't realize the underlying topology in a smooth manifold makes the difference of two points a defined operation automatically. Overall, my insistence on pointing out their refusal to provide a counterexample was found to be "inappropriate" while their kindergarten-tier attempts to change the subject away from JG being obviously, totally wrong with irrelevant tangents were somehow "not inappropriate." I guess the anal rape at the end of it was also "not inappropriate" according to them.

They started posting again immediately when I went to get the URL for the link above, and after some unproductive conversation, they deleted the comment where I told the mod his insistence on changing the subjest was impolite, and now I am banned again. Overall, if the topology isn't specified then it is the usual one and I am absolutely right. However, I am giving these people all the leeway they need to come up with any counterexample, and the best they could do is invoke some axiom axiom that I have not granted. I agree that the powerset axiom is reasonable, but it is just a way to avoid writing the sets in the basis. If the powerset is the set of all the subsets, then what are they?

These pictures in the natural light outside show the extent of the simulated facial deformity much better.

Mutilated nose bridge 1

Mutilated nose bridge 2

Mutilated nose bridge 3

Mutilated nose bridge 4

I think the purpose of this new (newish?) white line must be to serve as a highlight next to shadow of the pit so as to amplify the appearance of my nose having a crooked S-shape, which it very much does now, but never did before the skeletal mutilator rapist spared his life so he could become the facial mutilator rapist that opened the door to jews giving me the complete nose job that I have gotten.

This giant amputated pit on the bridge of my nose makes the whole thing look quite crooked now. It doesn't show up so well in the light in my room, but it is much worse out in the daylight. I wonder if they didn't re-amputate this one at some point where I missed it. The picture above shows there a very obvious vertical line in the middle of the bridge of my nose where the pit ends now. I'm not sure when it got that way.

I was checking a few places online to see if I could find a cached version of the data I lost from my RAPE LOG. They immediately started electroshocking my testicles when I started looking (I still have very strong TESTICLULAR ELECTROSHOCK implants in both of them, apparently), and they attacked me with the LRAD and few times and the 9:00 WRIGLER as soon as I started making this post.

It looks like they've gone back to deleting the informations from my website, as they did 100% of what I wrote about the Las Vegas shooting, and many other things. My RAPE LOG got deleted for about a week December 30 until Jan 7, which is unsurprising since the new year is when everything suddenly got much worse.

It seemed like Lucas Lepri's nasty, ugly cunt wife Mayara approached me in the lobby of the hotel when I came back from getting coffee and lunch. This is "Mayara," a/k/a Devyani Khobragade, whose "incident" was about trying to smuggle a USB containing my private data after her and her worthless piece of shit husband started fucking with me around 2012, with her husband being the first person to start fucking with me via the one-eye gang sign. (I suppose this "Meghana" wifi network is hers.) Now, after this encounter in the lobby (and after going out for lunch), I have some other shit on my face where I got mutilated again, and again they have used one linear mutilation to point to another, worse one.

New shit on my face 1

New shit on my face 2

New shit on my face 3

When I take the photo showing these marks from the profile angle, the skin-on-skin background makes it hard to see the new dent in the colors of the photo. However, these are very deep and they show up as obvious dents in the diagonal and down side view as if from my own eye. I can see it very easily, and it was purposefully done so, I presume. Since these lines are not exactly horizontal, the side view doesn't show the depth of them. The side-and-down view is required. They are unusually deep.

It looks like Helene and her friends amputated a few more pieces of my face while they were mocking me with their Chris Chan lookalike persona "Kwestan" in the bank, or shortly thereafter when someone finally actually helped me close my account at the desk where they had place a small square of plastic cut from a red credit card. It looks like they made a linear pit on my forehead pointing to a very deep new pit on my left nostril, and they also re-attacked the existing pit on my right nostril. I will try to get a better picture of the new dent in my left nostril. It is very obvious as a new dent when viewed directly from the side. It seems like I picked up a new RAPE DICK and a new LEFT TESTICLE CRUSHER somewhere this morning too.

Likely re-embiggened right nostril MEGA PIT 1

Likely re-embiggened right nostril MEGA PIT 2

New, exceptionally deep left nostril pit

New forehead pit

New forehead pit points to deep new left nostril pit

Right nostril MEGA PIT looks much worse

Three new lines through right nostril MEGA PIT suggest the monster energy logo I mentioned as being carved in my bed's headboard yesterday

Dent on the tip of nose is visible from the side now

Unusually deep new left nostril pit 1

Unusually deep new left nostril pit 2

Unusually deep new left nostril pit 3

Unusually deep new left nostril pit is deep enough to make another obvious new dent in the profile of my nose, which is even more stark than I was able to get in this picture

Unusually deep new left nostril pit 4

770 Bochurim Breach Wall to Prevent Tunnel Closure

This word means "bachelors," and 770 is an address. I thought this pending closure of the jewish rape tunnel must have something to do with the RAPE HATCH in my room, but upon further investigation I was intrigued to learn that the jews had hidden a poopy mattress from where someone shit the bed behind the wall in their Synagogue (linked above). A clue to the true nature of judaism, perhaps? A literal look behind the veil? Making this post about the shit smear hidden in the Synagogue made the RD and 9:00 MID WRIGGLER suddenly go into overdrive, and the URETHRA ZAPPER got activated as I was writing this sentence. (UPPER DICK ZAPPER shortly after.)

This YE ID suggests I'm not wrong to suppose that the reason for the RD suddenly blasting again after I left Food Lion was related to the toothpick behind my car that definitely wasn't there when I pulled into the parking spot, from my perspective, about two seconds earlier.

United Finds "Loose Bolts" On 737 Max Doors After Emergency Inspection

>The findings aboard the five United aircraft will likely significantly widen the fall-out

Here's one of the disguises people do know.

So many IDs tonight. I think I got trips about three or four times today too.

After being pretty low for a while, the RD suddenly started blasting when I approached the door to go out for food, and someone slammed their door in the hall at the same time, and then they were heckling me from behind their door as I passed down the hall. The RAPE and RAPE HATCH IDs (rAPP and RH) when I asked about it here say they used the RAPE HATCH again today to give me a new RAPE DICK before I left, not for the first time today. I think they poisoned me at McDonalds too.

I think it's likely that someone would have deceived Erin regarding what is and is not possible: probably the man in the gif below, among others.

I thought that Chris Cornell looked like Dad (or Evil Dad as it may be, or both) when this song was first brought to my attention. Now I notice that he belonged (belongs) to the race I'm going to exterminate. I suppose he was probably in some cult that said he needed to keep the snake's secrets so that the snake wouldn't be precluded from pursuing the course against me that the snake pursued.

They just used the RAPE HATCH to amputate yet another piece of my nose in the few minutes since I made those last few posts, and the RAPE DICK that had died off somewhat is suddenly much worse again, indicating that they used the RAPE HATCH to give me another new RAPE DICK while they were amputating yet another piece of my nose. I am ~100% certain that this vertical line was not there when I was inspecting my nose to make the previous post. The hotel staff started heckling me through the door immediately when I noticed, and a moment later they started banging the vacuum cleaner into my door, which is something they don't usually do, and which I think they have never done before in the few months I've stayed here. RAPE DICK is much worse again!

It's so bad now, you can easily see it in the thumbnail.

I believe they've amputated two more pieces of the tip of my nose. The simulated bifid nose deformity is now so severe that the cleft feature which was only visible from the front as a pit gouged into the bottom of my nose is now visible from the top and all angles in between: the smaller, former simulated bifid nose deformity has become a much larger one a few times over now, and apparently it has a side branch now. They're basically turning me into this hideous retard from the shit race that I'm going to exterminate. (Thanks for the hot tip on that, by the way, Shit Cunt.) There's two red dots in a vertical line on the tip of my nose now, and the lower one marks the upper endpoint of a white letter C. The two dots also seem to mark the side of the second new amputated pit on the tip of my nose: the one that makes the cleft deformity visible from the top now, if I'm not mistaken.

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 1

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 2

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 3

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 4

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 5

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 6

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 7

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 8

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 9

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 10

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 11

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 12

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 13

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 14

Increased bifid nose deformity simulation 15

It's the seventh day of 2024 now, assuming that the jews don't use a false date in Antarctica, which is probably not a sound proposition. They have already gashed my head three times, at least, implanted at least one giant mole on the top of my head, amputated a gaping asshole into my nose, poisoned me several times, maybe ten or so, and attacked me with the RAPE RAY probably hundreds of times if not a thousand. They've given me a new RAPE DICK at least a few times this year, including one in the Walmart last night which has not stopped since I left the store, and it seems like I got some new ZAPPERS on my scrotum and around the base of my dick too, and that's not to mention the other things, which are extensive. I think with the pace of the head gashes and facial/cranial mutilations, 2024 is suddenly much worse, unsurprisingly given the many strong suggestions that the new year would mark an improvement. Certainly the situation with the poisoned food seems much worse too. It seems like it is becoming increasingly hard to find non-poisoned food. This thing with Boeing's door blowing off its jet seems like it was a retaliation for them using the RAPE HATCH to poison the groceries I bought, something else which was suggested to terminate in the new year.

I found yet another gash on the back of my head this morning, not long after I got a brief stomach ache when I ate a muffin and a cup of yogurt from downstairs. I think the big mole on the top of my head has always been there, but there is some strange pock mark next to the gash that I am not sure about. When I was eating in the lobby, they put a picture of a Band-Aid on someone's head on the TV, and that was only a few minutes after I put a Band-Aid on the gash on my forehead, so they probably used the RAPE RAY to slice my head while I was down there with those other suspected Satanists.

I found another giant gash on my forehead when I got up this morning. I thought I came back from the store with the RAPE DICK much worse last night, so this might have happened when I went to the store a few hours ago, but I suspect it happened while I was sleeping.

FAA Grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 Jets After Exit Door Incident

To the extent that Emily's nose looked just like Lindsay Graham's nose, what I think I've heard described as a "Frisian" nose, and to the extent that the junior senator from South Carolina Tim Scott is a mutant alien "zeta" who was among those to whom Emily was lending her likeness while she was making open war on me in collaboration with others among my enemies, I wonder if Emily isn't the close relative of Lindsay Graham, who I understand is also a mutant alien now too.

Phoebe is telling Joey how Emily is going to ruin everything. A few episodes later, they're all saying they hate Emily. I definitely get that reference, and I enthusiastically agree. They changed this thing on the back of the door to show the peephole in the nearby episodes too: around the beginning of season 5.

Someone put something that tasted like a Sweettart in a bag of nuts I bought for dinner, and I definitely got poisoned again. A giant piece of rolled up plastic suddenly appeared in the coffee I had with my lunch earlier when I was almost done with it, and I have not been able to get rid of the taste of medicine dripping from my nose into the back of my throat since then. If they're using the rape ray to poison me when I'm eating in my car to avoid being poisoned while sitting still somewhere, that is another big escalation back toward how it used to be for a long time. When I got back to the hotel, I found that someone has gashed my forehead, and it looks like they implanted a mole on the top of my head too. The frequency with which I am poisoned severely enough to feel sick rather than only annoyed has exploded this week, and everything in the poison department took a giant turn for the worse in the new year, which is probably the reason why there were so many suggestions that it was going to get better: manufactured disappointment.

Forehead gash

New mole

Gash points to new mole

The FBI-Tainted Whitmer 'Kidnap Plot' You've Heard Next To Nothing About

>a broad conspiracy by law enforcement to entrap American citizens who held unpopular political views.

>Chappel, known as "Big Dan" to the group, created encrypted chats

>He constructed a so-called "kill house"

Police found a soundproofed torture chamber hidden in a shipping container on the Dutch-Belgian border

I think it's pretty obvious that the encrypted phones were the Encrochat phones, and the kill house was the torture chamber in the shipping container. I think this picture of the ringleader "Fox" is pretty clearly Chris Moriarty, the son of the FBI Director Christopher Wray pictured next to this other dentist's chair here with my sister (front right) and her other friends.

Naming Names: Infamous 'Epstein List' Set For Wednesday Release

>Judge Loretta Preska granted a 30-day extension of the disclosure of several names, including a woman identified as "Doe 107,"

Most of the first half of the new Chappelle special was about the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory, which is also the reason why the lemonade is poisoned now. In the conversation where I was telling the tranny at the store about "Area 66" and how The Salt Pit got its name from the storing the nuclear waste, or the "nuclear salts," from Area 66, it came up that I like to drink lemonade, and I remarked on the choice of the Titanic submersible owner's choice not to hire any white men as engineers before he died when the vehicle failed. This conversation also turned into Ambrosia's first painting in the movie Paint, which reflected the story Finkelstein told me about how they had an unshielded reactor out in the woods up there (while leaving out the part about the people they killed with the radiation exposure that turned into the UFO dripping blood in Paint.) I was wondering if that was the man I was with on December 25, 2016 who was wearing the Chappelle disguise until he went and grabbed the cigarette.

There are so many amputated pits on my nose now, it's hard to tell if there's a new one. However, when I looked in the mirror, my feeling was that there is a new amputated pit attack on my left nostril. In the mirror, I noticed the left pane above, and in the photo I notice that it's actually the picture of a loose asshole that I was just saying was one of the most bothersome things I scroll past on 4chan (the one with the guy in a red hat.) I also noticed what seemed like another pit on the bridge of my nose that I hadn't posted yet (right pane above), but I think I saw this one in my reflection at the gym a few days ago. This other thing under my right eye kind of seems like it's more of a brown spot now than the last time I examined, but I am also not certain about that like I am this prolapsed asshole amputated into my nose. Also, I wonder if they're poisoning me with caffeine in the evening lately to undermine my intended study schedule with caffeination from 6:00 until noon, in which case they would be failing miserably because the progress is going great and I have found some material to get enthusiastic about, finally. I also got at least a new RIGHT PUBIC ZAPPER and a new LEFT SCROTUM ZAPPER today, presumably in the post office or the store afterwards. Also, the RAPE DICK is much worse again since I got back to my hotel room, which indicates that they used the RAPE HATCH to give me a new RD after I left the post office. I may eat some food in the room tonight to see how the poison situation is.

Other picture 1

Other picture 2

Other picture 3

Other picture 4

Other picture 5

"Not In The Database... I Don't Know Why" - Tucker Carlson Exposes Epstein Brother's Battle For 'Basic' Records

I haven't been able to find the name of the exact kind of manifold I want to associate with the Lorentz group in my upcoming paper: Spinors under Lorentz Transformations in the Modified Cosmological Model (tentatively titled). So, I wonder if the manifold I built is "not in the database" because no one ever did the "basic" stuff they're saying I'm obviously stupid for doing right now. While they have their position, my position is that I'm smart enough to know that I don't know the stuff that they think they know but really don't. If it turns out to be a previously unclassified manifold (unlikely but not impossible), then they can call it the God manifold and put it next to the God particle whose spin was correctly predicted by God and not Higgs. They can also put it next to the fine structure constant which "written by the hand of God."

Nearly 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein expected to be made public

>could be released as soon as Tuesday

>A year later, in 2016, US district court judge Robert Sweet rejected Maxwell's motion to dismiss the case, finding that "the veracity of a contextual world of facts more broad than the allegedly defamatory statements"

>US district judge Loretta Preska's 51-page order explaining her reasoning on whether to unseal

>"Jane Doe 162" is a witness who testified she was 17

> Bill Clinton was identified by ANC News as "Doe 36"

>The boldface names that emerged included the director of the CIA, William Burns

A lot of the language in this article seems like it might reference my possibly impending (or not) release from the Area 51 slave hole, such as "the 51-page order." The 17yo with number 162 is evocative of a certain number, and Bill Clinton being "Doe 36" seems to reference some jewish moron I know: Joe 37, the accomplice of my sister who was the CIA Director before Burns. From what I'm seeing in these frog memes lately, we have reached the expiration of the second seven years of rape and torture that got reauthorized in 2016 when the previous motion to dismiss was rejected due to "a contextual world," possibly meaning that they vilified me for my leading role in the 2016 rescue of "The Nobody." So, it says maybe they will get released today. Obviously, they haven't been released yet.

If the distance from New York City to the south pole is 9000 miles, it would take an airplane 15 hours to get there flying at 600mph, which is on the high side for a passenger jet. At 500mph, that's 18 hours. On a 24 hours delay, that leaves only about six to nine hours for kidnapping and staging. This seems a little short for a hypothetical convenience delay to be only 24 hours.

Has Feminism And 'Hoeflation' Destroyed Dating In The West?

>Surveys show that increased power, job access and responsibility for women in society since the 1970s has also led to a diametrically opposed decline in overall happiness for those same women. The correlation suggests the exact opposite of what feminism originally promised and that the ideology has been a net negative.

This article was written by a genius.

I have a third NODULE in my asshole now. That's at least three in my asshole and one in my finger, and there's probably still a gigantic one in my perineum and one in my back.

They had a bunch of jews stalking me in the gym today, including the Harvey Weinstein jew and his accomplice sharing a disguise with him, and they turned my brain off about four or five times, at least, to progressively make more pieces of shit appear at my feet after I picked everything up and moved it away, and the RAPE DICK was much worse again when I left the gym today too. I think I saw Chris' dad the FBI Director in there wearing the nose of the devil in Primus' "Devil went down to Georgia" video, which is probably the nose of the IRL jew in the yellow shirt who was filming me yesterday. (I think I got a new 9:00 DEEP ANAL MEGA WRIGGLER attack instantly when I typed "Devil.") In there with those other jews, they had another new jew today who might have been Mark Diffley, and that's too bad for him if it was. They had a stalker waiting for me in front of the Harris Teeter, and another one when I went to Safeway instead. The milk I bought may have tasted kind of salty, and I don't doubt that it was poisoned.

I guess the best I can hope for is that the calendar is delayed a day or so down here so they can better practice falsehood after they kidnap people and throw them into this vile shit hole. If it wasn't, they'd have to to explain a missing day (or so) every time they kidnapped someone.

It's allegedly 2024 now, although I think it's likely that the datetime on my computer is inaccurate. The RD is blasting, not as strong as it has been, but it is not gone, and that's the main thing. The hecklers in the hall have been tormenting me all morning, and they're using the WRIGGLERS around the base of my dick and all throughout my pubes as much as they've been using the ones in my asshole (where I still have NODULE implants like the NODULE implant on my finger, which also remains.) They're also using the WRIGGLERS in my ears and eyes quite a bit this morning, and even while the INNER, MID, and OUTER WRIGGLERS are less right now, those didn't stop either. They were still heckling me at the gas station this morning where a giant cup of coffee hardly caffeinated me at all because they probably poisoned me with decaf, and they're about to be heckling me at the gym when I go there in about an hour where at least a few of my most-hated persons will be disguised and pretending to be there for some reason other than to torment me. Nothing changed, as far as I can tell. Maybe they stopped poisoning me, but I'd like the unceasing sexual and psychological torture to cease. The 2:00 OUTER WRIGGLERS that just started as I was making this post seem new too.

There were two interceptors waiting for me in the lobby when I went to the gym, and I got FUHHed as soon as I stepped out of the hotel. The RAPE DICK revved up, not very high, on my way to the gym, and they had an origami demon rat on the ground in front where an interceptor met me at the gym's front door. Some jew (above) that was already fucking with me earlier, using the Lucas Lepri stalker-clone as his proxy, was just laying on the ground in the space I wanted to to use, and they had some new girl mocking my workout routine in an adjacent spot. When she bent over in front of me, someone launched some attack that made me suddenly short of breath, and I have encountered that on at least a few previous occasions. "Doug" from the downtown library did it to me, and "Elaine" did it to me at Alliance around 2016. At first I thought they must have sprayed me with carbon dioxide (or nitrogen, etc.) while they had my brain turned off as the new girl bent over (to simulate asphyxia), but then I remembered that "Elaine" did it to me during the running warmup when it was unlikely that she might have turned my brain off mid-stride, so I suppose that was some kind of psychic attack on my diaphragm in the way they can sometimes seem to make your arms or legs twitch. As soon as it happened, some guy in blue shorts started staring at me as if to evaluate how much the sudden shortness of breath would bother me. Someone yelled out as soon as I started my first rep of squat jumps, and, after I started going into the rant, they sent an interceptor wearing a shirt that said, "LEAVE NO DOUBT," which I think meant, "Leave no doubt that they're still constantly fucking with me," which they aren't.

The jew that was in my way when I arrived started filming me when I was on the bench, and two other groups of interceptors got in front of me when I started to do pullovers. I had remarked, "Are you going to be here tomorrow?," to the 7-11 attacker or his body double, and this other jew was keen to look at me (video above) when he said, "I'll be here tomorrow." Before the jew started filming me, the one I thought was the 7-11 attacker (or his body double) started heckling with me with the one I thought was Corey, and they had a third accomplice I didn't recognize start fucking with me when I was doing farmer's walks. He said something to the effect that he was a member of the house of David, as if to insinuate that God's covenant of undying love forever was with David's descendants in general rather than with David's heir. Certainly, Absalom belonged to the house of David and he was as much of a piece of unloved shit as this guy in the gym today probably is. When I left the gym, the RAPE DICK was much worse than when I got there, and there were hecklers in the grocery store. When I came out, someone had thrown a green toothpick on the ground near my car that definitely wasn't there when I went in a few minutes earlier, and the self-checkout kiosk failed about three or four times, which has been happening a lot lately with all of my cards as is not related to a bad chip on any one card.

The hotel heckler-stalker (and likely RAPIST) in 426 checked out today, which is probably good. I ate breakfast in the lobby without squeezing my fingers and it seemed like I didn't get poisoned.

When I left to get dinner, some man that had turned into the elevator area on the fourth floor had mysteriously disappeared a few seconds later I got there despite there not being any sound of an elevator coming or going. When I got in the elevator after one came, it stopped on the second floor where some woman stuck a giant dildo in a Santa jacket in my face and said she was checking to see if any shit had come out of the asshole she was fucking with it (paraphrased). When I got back to the hotel, there was a SHIT BOX! heckler waiting in the lobby, and I found that they have yet again increased the severity of the simulated bifid nose facial deformity on my face. Also, I can tell by the sudden change in the overall gangstalker bullshit that they are able to read my mind with a much higher resolution now that these two new NODULE implants have appeared in my asshole this week (to complement the one on my finger that has been there for months non-stop, and years on-and-off, and the one that has probably been in my perineum since February 2017.).

Other picture

Celebrities giving the middle finger

Giving the finger for your photo is about as normal as poses for photos get. It's so normal, it took me one second to find this slide show on the internet, and I found it by clicking on one of 100 similar non-celebrity photos that popped up in the Bing image results for "giving the middle finger to the camera." When I give the middle finger to the camera, however, suddenly it's supposed be on the order of a capital crime. Rather than my finger being the issue, the issue is that I am literally Hitler, the jews don't like me, and everyone else earns their salary by doing and thinking what the jews want them to do and think. Overall, if you see that someone has a camera in their hand, and you also see that they are pointing the camera at you, it's reasonable to assume that they're pointing the camera in their hand at you because they're using it to take your picture.

I went to the post office before I went to get some food. While I was talking to the woman at the counter, a scratch suddenly appeared on her nose and one of the bathroom hairs suddenly appeared on the counter next to my hand. I thought the scratch on her nose referenced the post I made before I left, but I see that I was wrong and they have attacked my nose again leaving not just a pit, but an ugly brown mark on my nose at exactly the same place where the scratch "magically" appeared on the worker's face at the post office.

This appears to be yet another new one on my nose, on the right side.

If I'm not mistaken, the amputated pit on my left nostril is now much bigger and deeper than it was. The shape of it looks like the middle finger I used for my pose when the first Asian interceptor started taking my picture, and when the other interceptor did they same by the USPS truck. I guess the jews probably want me to act like I don't think their agents are filming me, or to just act naturally without posing while they film me.

Other picture

It's quite likely that they attacked my foot again today. The white area in the blister was the full extent of it yesterday, and it got about three times bigger today. I think one of the same interceptors from yesterday got in front of me on Walney today, and he started doing the finger-squeezing thing as I passed him. After that, some Asian was very obvious to point his camera at me as he passed by in a red jacket, and then my foot immediately started hurting worse. Immediately after that, some other Asian got in my path with a German shepherd, and then some other Asian passed me on a bicycle again, all in a cluster just like yesterday, and the racial skew of the interceptors on the sidewalk was highly abnormal today and yesterday compared to the usual distribution of the people I see while walking. After the Asian cluster, some tranny got off of his bike to start walking right behind me on Stringfellow, and he was quite surprised when I turned around. On Lee's Corner, some other interceptor was waiting to film me where the USPS truck may or may not have stopped one of the RAPE operations that they had planned for today. After I passed the filming interceptor and the USPS truck, some other Asian passed me and gave me a dirty look.

Other picture

I got about 10 LEFT PUBIC AREA MEGA WRIGGLER attacks while making this post, so they were probably fucking with my dick again today too.

UPDATE: Yes, the black lint all over my dick and pubes when I took my clothes off to take a shower suggests that they were definitely fucking with my dick again today.

I took these pictures before I went for a walk:

Wound from the skeletal mutilator remediator rape surgery

Wound from the rape surgeon saying it's ok to fuck my right foot up

Wound from the rape surgeon setting a precedent under the satanic law that says it's ok to fuck my left foot up

I took them to make a comparison between the relatively small wound on the exterior part of my heel opening the door to other rapists completely fucking my feet up, which they have done again now (and which is probably intended to be as permanent as fucking my face up is now that that door was opened), and the relatively small wound under my eye (which remains) opening the door to my rapists giving me a full nose job. Particularly, the arrow shape of the wound from the most recent RAPE SURGERY on my heel looks like the arrow shape that got amputated into my nose this week. I suppose that's why they put the razor slice on my nose too.

After I dodged several stalker-interceptors on the walk today, I didn't dodge the ones who fucked my foot up again today. While there were very, very many stalkers that intercepted me on my walk today, (all of whom were careful not to disrupt the rape operation, by the way), the non-raping ones that I'm sure I want to torture to death are the two couples where one was wearing a towel as clothes and the one who got in my way as I approached the turn onto Stringfellow where it inconvenient to go to the other side of the road.

About halfway down Lee's Corner, some woman appeared hiding behind a man standing in the middle of the sidewalk. She one-eyed my past his head on one side, and then, when I called her a name in my head, the man she was hiding behind immediately nodded in agreement as if to indicate that he was monitoring my thoughts. Then she conspicuously repositioned herself to one-eye me on the other side of the man's head. when I passed them (after not crossing the street to avoid them), the two other interceptors waiting at the corner with them heckled immediately to indicate the coordination their joint maneuvers. The second two that heckled me were walking two of the midget-variant German shepherd dogs (which should not be bred at all since the German Shepherd is supposed to be big and tall with long legs). Their choice of dogs was highly appropriate because when I noticed a moment later that they had attacked my foot with the blister attack again, as telegraphed by the one-eye thing apparently which is supposed mean more than just, "FUCK YOU!," about one time in 20, as far as I can tell, I turned around and saw following me the man and the woman whose eye he had been shielding, and the man was wearing the mask of Mental Midget: Narcissist Murderer. I waiting for them pass, and, once they had gone well past me, I began to follow them. Then they quickly veered off the trail and disappeared behind a fence. Just before the man disappeared from view, he stopped to make a pantomime of spitting, as if to spit at me.

After the one-eye woman and her Mental Midget accomplice disappeared, I got intercepted immediately by about six Asians. The first one mocked the fuck-off wave I give to people on my walk. The second approached me from behind on a bike and then passed me wearing a sweatshirt that said something about a "Nose Race Club," which seemed like it was saying that RAPE and BLISTER attacks from a moment earlier were being attributed to the bifid nose race whose avatar Shit Cunt is the basis for the Mental Midget cartoon. Then some other tall Asian gave me the finger pretending to rub his eye, as if me saying, "Fuck you!," with my finger was offensive while the woman waiting in my path to say, "Fuck you!," with her eye and then use the RAPE RAY to fuck me foot up again was perfectly fine in his opinion. (After the one-eye woman repositioned herself to one-eye me a second time on the man's other side, I held my middle finger to my eye on that side so she would see it when she one-eyed me again, which she did immediately.) Right behind the tall one that gave me the figner for his own, "Fuck you!," were two Asian women that appeared to be smirking with delight celebrating the RAPE and mega-INTERCEPTION maneuver. The Asians and the four with the midget dogs were all in the same place at the same time because they were part of the same operation. When I mocked the most ethnic-looking one's smirk just behind the tall one that was giving me the finger (which I had done in response to the one-eye stalkers one-eyeing a few moments earlier), some other girl drove by in a car and acted like she thought I should have been more positive about the RAPE and TORTURE attack on the far end of Lees' Corner today.

After I turned off of Lee's Corner, Helene and some of her other friends intercepted me, if I'm not mistaken, and I can point out Helene's hypocrisy when she says she doesn't like it when they do it to me, but doing much worse than the same to other people's children, when I am not even her child at all, in things like Daisy's Destruction and Frazzled Rip (etc.) is just her cup of tea.

When I got back to the hotel, one of the on-site homeless people was waiting out front to also the pantomime spitting motion, as if to also indicate spitting at me (not long after I had spat in path when I turned around to see Mental Midget: Narcissist Murderer following me, and then again when the tall Asian gave me the finger), and then she made some remarks indicating that between (i) these rapists using the RAPE RAY on me to fuck my foot up (for a fourth time just in December now) while mocking me with their Satanic disguisecraft, and (ii) my response to that violence with colorful language, she found my colorful language to be problematic. Then she heckled me about not having a job as if there's some reason for me to indenture myself into jewish wage slavery when I have $6000/mo in passive income that I earned by a lot of hard work that I put in before I arrived in "Chantilly." I couldn't even get $2500/mo in 2014, but then I put in several years of hard labors, for which I am now paid $6000/mo in passive income. Why would I get another job when no one's offering pay above the order of $10^1 per hour? Even if I didn't have the passive income, I still wouldn't work for pay on the order of $10^1 per hour, but I do have that untaxable income: $6000/mo, so why would I put myself into wage slavery for an extra few dollars? Unlike most people's opinions of their own time, I don't consider my time to be next to worthless.

Just before the RAPE RAY attack, and just before whatever else happened while they were raping me with the rape ray (which I likely post a picture of soon when the blister becomes visible), I started thinking about unending torture rather than death for the clan of bifid nose people that the white-trash FBI dimwit Erin Tooker met in California, all of those people's spouses, brothers, and sisters, their in-laws and cousins, as well as all of those people's children including the children that got placed with other families for security, as well as everyone who's ever been seen in in whatever clubhouse they have for their cult out there, and all of those people's children. So, while I think some of the interceptors' actions today may have been meant to indicate the planned RAPE attack, two pretty-smelling girl interceptors dressed in blue and a matching blue placard saying "Harm Key" or "Alarm Key" placed in the path, for example, I wonder if it wasn't reactionary when someone monitoring my thoughts found out that I have that whole clan from Erin's meet-up in California in mind, in a bad way, and then they didn't like me rubbing that in their bifid-nose faces.

RAPE DICK got much worse while making this post.

I have another new NODULE in my asshole this morning, meaning there's at least five that I know about: the one Helene implanted in my back, the big one in my perineum, the one in my finger, and the two in my asshole. I may have mingled amputated pits last night with my second amputation post: there are so many amputated pits on my nose they seem to run together to make a general hail damage texture all over the whole thing now. Still, I am glad to know that I should exterminate the bifid nose race. If they hadn't fucked my face up, I might have let some of their children live.

I watched several seasons of Master Chef this year. The show is a showcase for Satanism and Satanists, many of whom I recognized and posted about, and I noticed that their theme song is pretty much the theme song from Pirates of the Caribbean. This screenshot from around [33:05] in At World's End seems to showcase the nose of one of the races I'm going to exterminate, and I think the intention must have been to link that bifid nose race to the celebration of Satanism on Master Chef. This nose is not so unlike President Logan in the fifth season of 24, or George Mason in an earlier season whose character was used as a vehicle for showcasing Sam Hyde.

Upon further inspection, I think perhaps they have made the simulated bifid nose deformity worse. In one of the early episodes in season 5 of 24, they were showing some actor, President Logan I think, with this dent in the end of his nose saying something about how he was trying to make that into his thing. It's hideous and I hate it, and the people who are really going to suffer are the relatives of the one who said it was fine for these people to give me a full nose job because he had to declare himself innocent after he carved a pit under my eye in a botched RAPE SURGERY earlier this year. They were never amputating pieces of my face until that RAPE SURGEON got found not guilty for his obvious crimes mutilating my face, and he was only alive to mutilate my face because he also found himself innocent after he mutilator my collar bones and caused the arch of my right foot to collapse with the skeletal mutilator implant that he used to turn me into even more of a borg than the implants up my asshole already had. Since someone is trying to make me look like I belong to his race with this nose job, I think the right thing to do will be to exterminate that race so I can never be associated with a race that doesn't exist.

I got an even bigger piece of my nose amputated since I made that last post about an hour ago.

More new nose amputations since an hour ago 1

More new nose amputations since an hour ago 2

They amputated another piece of my nose since I took those last pictures showing new amputations on both sides. Most of these pictures show an arrow shape, but the one above shows what looks like the number 7. It also looks like they sliced my nostril with a razor or something today; the slice is exactly along the upper edge of what looks like a seven. The simulated bifid nose deformity now runs from my mustache to the tip of my nose, and then on to the front of my nose too. All of this probably has something to do with the reason for the sphinx' nose being absent.

New left nostril amputation 1

New left nostril amputation 2

New left nostril amputation 3

New left nostril amputation 4

Full rhinoplasty

After what might have been a record long streak without the rapists that are raping multiple times per day implanting any NODULE IMPLANTS, I have a new NODULE implanted in my asshole now. I think it must have gotten there today or yesterday.

They have used some kind of gummy filthiness to draw this face into the carpet in front of my room. After I saw this post about a woman getting stabbed in the face while attacking a "barricaded man" this morning, I went out to find some coffee. The new homeless man on the corner (after at least a few months of the same homeless people around here) had a sign that said, "Trying to get into a room...," and then he also intercepted me a few hours later when I went out for a walk. The cleaning lady had 422 open this morning as if to suggest that the RAPE HATCH into the bathroom (in 424) has been closed, but, as I mentioned a few days ago, they have installed a second RAPE HATCH that opens into the main part of the room, and the RAPE HATCH rapist is still very much active. In fact, it's likely that I got a new RAPE DICK implant during the few minutes it took for me to create this post, because it is suddenly blasting at a very high volume, far above the base line beneath which it never goes. They just attacked me in the bathroom downstairs a few minutes ago when I was drinking from the sink after my walk, and they may have given me a new RAPE DICK down there and then waited a few minutes to activate it.

They also made the simulated bifid nose deformity on the tip of my nose about twice as prominent as it used to be. There's a whole S-shape cut into the tip of my nose now. I just noticed it in some of the pictures I took earlier today. I don't know if it's new or if my mind was connecting it to the first simulated bifid nose deformity facial mutilation attack.

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 1

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 2

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 3

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 4

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 5

Expanded simulated bifid nose deformity 6

You can see Biden at the top of Zerohedge today making reference to the latest amputation attacks on both sides of my nose.

Today (or recently), they used the amputation attacks to amputate a pair of pits on my nose in the shape of the triangle beak I recently commented on from the Mental Midget: Narcissist Murderer cartoon, which is about he namesake of the kikes, I assume, or someone close to him. When that guy finally meets God, if it happens, God is going to tell him that he's retarded and that his -ism about, "What is the meaning of life?," isn't even a well-defined question.

Right side

Left side

US court orders release of 180 Epstein-linked names

>Any of the people impacted by the order have 14 days to appeal the decision, after which the lawyers must "confer"

>The trove is expected to identify some of Epstein's associates and victims, as well as investigators and journalists who covered the case.

Cardinal Becciu, five others sentenced to prison at Vatican trial

>Pending appeal, none of the six people given jail terms were taken into custody.
